Clogged Drain Repair Made Very Simple

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Plumbing Services

When it comes to Clogged Drain Repair, inexperienced homeowners shouldn’t panic. They should, however, put some effort into learning a few quick repair tips that can save them both time and money. After all, why should a person have to wait hours for a plumber if they can fix the problem themselves? When a problem is too much to handle, a professional plumber can be called to take care of things.


Shopping for the right products is the start of becoming good at Clogged Drain Repair. A homeowner will need the right weapons in their arsenal if they want to win the war against clogged drains. The good news is that a nice stash of tools for clog repair can be purchased for under $50. A plunger for the home’s sinks will have to be purchased. These types of plungers differ from the ones used for toilets. Some people just get plungers for every room that has plumbing so they are readily available.

More On Shopping

Plungers aren’t the only tools that should be on a person’s clog repair shopping list. The next tool they will need to purchase is a handy plumber’s snake. These tools come in a variety of lengths, but buying one that is around 10 feet in length should be enough for most people. If a clog is any deeper than that, it might be best to call a pro for help. A wrench can be bought so pipe fittings can be loosened to help remove clogs. Investing in chemical cleaners is also a good idea, but these types of cleaners should be used sparingly.

Using The Tools

Before using any of the plumbing tools that have been purchased, a person should look at some tutorials online. There are plenty of videos that show a person how to use everything from plumber’s snakes to wrenches. A lot of mistakes can be eliminated if a person takes the time to learn how to use tools the right way. If a person doesn’t want to invest in tools and do their own work, they can just rely on a company like South Side Plumbing & Heating for all their plumbing needs.

Clog repair can be a do-it-yourself repair in some cases. Homeowners who don’t mind getting their hands dirty can do some of their own work. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!